Why They Still Are “Willing to Relocate to San Francisco”

Musing Vibe
3 min readMar 26, 2016
“San Francisco.” The Googleplex, photo by Udi @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/udi/1400022065/in/photolist-38HtMt-Cpzn-bovRuq/

For techies who have lived in or moved from San Francisco, this recent meme struck a nerve.

Why is it in 2016, we must be willing to relocate to San Francisco?

This meme results from the most repeated request by recruiters and tech startups, even startups that haven’t even located to the city itself. The comical reaction is, you can have a fantastic job, but only if you relocate. Of course it doesn’t actually mean relocate to San Francisco proper, rather to companies located in the SF Bay Area. Most of the tech companies are actually centered in the South Bay which for the typical American is like commuting to the far ends of suburbia.

Why is it in 2016, when the internet promised telecommuting and decentralized work that the tech industry is fervently concentrating America’s intellectual capital into a suburban peninsula on the Pacific prone to devastating earthquakes.

This live-work geographic disparity is not new to planning, but it represents much of the frustration Bay Area planners face. We have…

